What is the Vicksburg Main Street Program?
Established in 1984, Vicksburg Main Street is a not-for-profit public/private partnership working within Vicksburg's historic downtown area to develop a sustainable and comprehensive program to revitalize our downtown economy and preserve its character. The Vicksburg Main Street Program is an active member of the Mississippi Main Street Association and has been designated and accredited as a National Main Street Program for meeting the commercial district revitalization performance standards set by the National Trust Main Street Center.
From the 1950's to the 1970's, thousands of downtowns fell by the wayside. Empty stores, boarded-up buildings, and deteriorating structures lined the streets that were once the social and commercial centers of American life. "Main Street", as they knew it, was gone and so was their sense of community.
Nationwide, efforts to take back Man Street were put in motion, but there was a desperate need for expertise and support. The need was soon filled by the National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP). The NTHP established the National Main Street Center in 1980 to provide support and encourage the revitalization of downtowns based on historic preservation and sound business practices. To date, all 50 states and over 2,800 communities participate in the Main Street Program.
What began as a historic preservation program has evolved into one of the largest economic development programs in the United States. Main Street is the State's most effective economic development tool now operating in Mississippi.
Who funds the Vicksburg Main Street Program?
The program is funded by a dedicated tax upon business real property within the Main Street Taxing District, by the City of Vicksburg, membership dues, private sector sponsors, grants, and self-generated funds from program activities.
What are the boundaries of the Vicksburg Main Street Area?
Roughly, Vicksburg's historic downtown can be described as within the area bounded on the north by First East Street, on the east by Cherry and Adams Streets, on the south by Bridge & Depot Streets, and on the west by Pearl Street and the Yazoo River Diversion Canal. A map of the actual boundaries of the Vicksburg Main Street area can be found at www.downtownvicksburg.org
Who does the work of the Vicksburg Main Street Program?
A governing board of directors and four standing committees make up the fundamental organizational structure of the volunteer-driven revitalization program. The board of directors is elected by dues-paying members and the owners of commercial real property within the Main Street Taxing District.
Volunteers are coordinated and supported by a paid program director. This structure not only divides the workload and clearly delineates responsibilities, but also builds consensus and cooperation among the various stakeholders.
There are many different ways we can help the heart of our city to grow and prosper.
If you live in the community, frequent the many professionals and businesses that call downtown home, come to the wide variety of downtown events such as the Christmas Parade, Mardi Gras Parade, the Fall Festival, Bricks & Spokes, and Hit the Bricks, just to name a few. Volunteer to serve on a Main Street committee to help make these events and other programs, such as the Farmer's Market and Loft Tours successful.
If you are a business or property owner or residential dweller downtown, ensure that your property is well kept and attractive and help our downtown area "dress up" for special occasions, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mardi Gras, Halloween, and special events such as the Miss Mississippi Pageant and parade and Nurses Night Out. Take advantage of the retail education programs and workshops offered by Main Street, participate in the cooperative advertising efforts of the program, and be a part of helping to keep our downtown safe for merchants, professionals, residents, shoppers, and visitors by being a part of "Downtown Alert", a telephone calling Circle designed to alert businesses to unusual activity in the area.
If you are a visitor, take the time to shop in our wide variety of retail and specialty stores and visit some of our many downtown attractions.
Check with our website to see what events, programs, and festivities are scheduled during your stay with us. If you find your visit enjoyable, please share your experiences with friends, family, and associates and with us by letting the staff and directors know what you liked about the Main Street area and what you feel needs improvement. Your opinions and input are very important to us!